Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Basketball, Ministry, and Work Ethic

I love basketball.  It is my favorite sport to watch and play.  The fast paced tempo; the game winning shot at the buzzer; and break-away dunks gets my blood pumping.  However, my favorite moment in a basketball game is when the star player takes over and becomes a scoring, rebounding, and play-making machine.  When that moment happens, I just know that no one is going to stop that player.  If you are a basketball fan you know exactly what I'm talking about.  It's Shaquille O'Neal posting up in the paint, or Kevin Durant nailing a shot at the top of the key.  It's Michael Jordan sailing through the air and scoring on a reverse layup as defenders are collapsing down on him.  There is nothing like it in sports. 

Throughout the years as I have watched great player after great player come through the league there is one attribute that links them all together:  Work Ethic.  When teammates are interviewed and asked what separates the "star" player from everyone else it all comes down to work ethic.  They are always the first ones in the gym and the last ones to leave.  They put in extra time at film study and hit the weights hard.  The reason they are the best players is because they practice hard to get that way. 

Lets flip this conversation around and ask a very important question of everyone who's not a sports star:  How's your work ethic?  When you go to work do you give it your all?  Do you walk away from a hard day's work with a feeling of accomplishment because you did all you could possibly do?  I believe that in order to be a great leader in the work place you have to have a strong work ethic.  If you are constantly walking in late and cutting out a little early you are not leading well.  In fact, you are setting a poor example.  Leaders should inspire others to want to work harder and be better, and I believe this starts with a strong work ethic. 

Co-workers, just like teammates, are watching what you do and how you do it.  My prayer for my own life is that my work ethic inspires, just like "star" players inspire their teammates to work harder and get better.  Might I challenge each of you to examine your work ethic and see how strong it is.  If changes need to be made, make them quickly.  Your team is counting on you.

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