Friday, November 16, 2012

The Student Ministry Fraternity

Recently I sat in a meeting with other ministers from around the state as we evaluated an event that had occurred the previous month.  As we sat and evaluated the event, a very profound observation was made by an individual who has been serving in student ministry for many years.  He noted that during the event you could tell who came with a group and who came by themselves.  The individual who came with a group had buddies to hang out with during the event.  During breaks, they would all leave together and go eat.  When it came time to attend a session, they would all go together and enjoy it as a group.  This was not so for individuals who came by themselves.  These people stand against the wall looking for opportunities to join a group.  When it comes time to go and eat, they oftentimes go by themselves.  During a session, they are the ones who sit in the chair with no one else around them.  In other words, they are surrounded by people who are in the same profession, who deal with the same daily struggles, yet they are on an island by themselves in a sea of people.

As I've sat and thought about these words of wisdom it dawned on me that student ministry is like a fraternity.  Once you're in the group, it's great!  However, it can be a daunting task to get into.  I remember when I first started off in ministry.  I would go to youth ministry meetings and events and sit awkwardly at tables while it seemed like everyone else had a buddy but me.  And while attempts were made on my part to try and include myself into a group, it never quite worked out for the longest time.  Once I was included into the group, things were great, but I remember making a vow to myself that I would never become "that guy" who ignored the new people because I was too busy hanging out with my "own" group.

The words spoken by this seasoned veteran in ministry suddenly became a harsh reminder that I had become the one thing that I vowed not to.  I have been in ministry for a while now and have been inducted into the "fraternity" and have my own group that I hang out with.  However, I have sequestered off new faces and am not trying to solve the problem, but I have helped hinder it.  Please hear my heart when you read this.  This post is not an indictment against student ministers.  However, it is a plea for everyone of us to look for new faces and welcome them into the fraternity that is student ministry.  We've all been there before when we we're the "new guy" on the block.  Instead of unintentionally closing the doors, let us swing them wide open and welcome everyone in.

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