Friday, October 26, 2012

Encourage Regularly

To be affirmed by others is imporant to everyone.  Whether they admit it or not, people need a pat on the back from time to time to help encourage them to keep moving forward.  When those moments do not come, individuals become discouraged and less driven.  No one likes to work on something that goes unnoticed.  Though we may not be actively seeking affirmation, it's always nice when it comes.

I'm wondering how often you take the opportunity to encourage others.  Look around you, it's a very discouraging world that we live in, and this is the exact reason you need to be in the business of affirmation and encouragement.  Randomly walk by a co-workers office and tell them good job.  Take someone out to lunch and pay for their meal.  Send an encouraging FaceBook message to someone.  There are so many different avenues to encourage people in today's world that we should not have an excuse as to why we do not do it.  The craziest thing will happen when encouraging people becomes a priority for you... productivity will go up, attitudes will be more positive, and an encouraging atmosphere will be fostered. 

A couple of weeks ago, this was played out in a church staff meeting.  Our children's minister who has served on staff for over fiftheen years told everyone that a former pastor that she served alongisde of acted more like Jesus than anyone she's every met.  That is a huge compliment!  That is something that needs to be shared.  Later that week I was on FaceBook and noticed our Lead Pastor had posted on the formers pastors wall this encouraging word, and it really got me thinking.  He did not have to post that, but yet he did.  Why would he do such a thing?  Because people need to be encouraged and what better compliment to encourage someone with than that comment.

How much do you encourage people?  Is it something that you do on a regular basis or just when ever it's convenient for you?  Let me encourage you to be the best encourager that you can be.  Build an enviroment where affirmation and encouragement isn't unnatural, but the norm.

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